About Meet Tayma Tameem

Come “break publishing” with Tayma Tameem. Bringing together genres and worlds that won’t be confined by definitions, Tameem has redefined what it means to be a contemporary American author. With fans around the world, Tameem is more determined than ever to tell stories that defy expectations by crossing boundaries into new worlds with fascinating characters, gripping plotlines and themes that speak to the human heart while expanding the mind.

About How Tayma Tameem Is Building the Next Fantasy-Meets- Everything Empire

Opening portals to worlds that you’ll never want to close once you peek inside, Tayma Tameem has crafted a “fan-favorite” world of fantasy, sci-fi, romance, medieval drama, crime, dystopia and politics. Everything about Tayma Tameem’s career breaks all the rules of publishing. First, Tameem skillfully crosses genres to create highly stylized settings with characters that are heroes and villains for all times. There is drama and urgency to every plot that gets down to your marrow. Next, Tameem defied industry norms by making her books available on edgy, fan-driven literary platforms. Tameem’s entire collection of single books and series is now available. Buy the Series Pass to read each series for one low price! The single books are available on taymatameem.com

The author of 22 works to date, Tayma Tameem is single-handedly redefining popular fiction with her genre-breaking, boundary-defying body of work. Fantasy has a new captain. Get to know the incredible literary world of Tayma Tameem!

How The Fantasy World of Tayma Tameem Was Born

Tayma Tameem began her literary career with a single objective in mind. She wanted to write books that she wanted to read. Whether or not other people would come along for the ride was yet to be determined. Nearly two dozen books later, it’s clear that the public has jumped on for the journey! Most of Tameem’s published books have been turned into multi-book series based on the fact that readers want more time with their favorite characters and plot lines!

Readers love that Tameem dabbles in all genres. Absolutely nothing is off-limits when she needs to pull from historical and literary elements to make her point. Borrowing from popular culture, current events, historical figures and more, Tameem crafts stories that span multiple worlds that always remind us strangely of home.

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The Dystopian Novel Beyond the Dystopian Novel: How Tayma Tameem Became A Master Merger

Tameem’s career started with a single series. She soon realized that it was possible to create different worlds and realities encompassing sci-fi, medieval fantasy and futuristic fantasy while dabbling in drama, comedy and crime even though this supposedly “broke all the publishing rules.”

Buzz Buzz Is Growing
for Tayma Tameem

In a crowded world of established and up-and-coming authors, Tayma Tameem has carved a name for herself with help from her ever-growing group of devoted fans. Tameem is very much a word-of-mouth phenomenon with books that have been bolstered by fans telling a friend!

Able to accomplish the rare feat of amassing a vast collection of 4-star unpaid, volunteer reviews, Tameem has created a fan base of people who simply love great stories told in unexpected ways. Click the links to learn more about her books.

Your Turn It’s Your Turn to Step Inside the World of Tayma Tameem

If you’re just discovering Tayma Tameem for the first time, there’s plenty to dig into! First, begin by catching up with Tameem’s well-known published works. Next, satisfy your thirst for more by preordering the soon-be-released novels that have been announced by the author. Keeping up with Tameem is easy by following her on social media. Lastly, the Tayma Tameem blog and message board are popular spots where fans of Tameem’s works gather to talk about all literary and pop-culture topics they find interesting. Come and join them. If you would like to contact Tayma, feel free to reach out using the form below.

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