

About Tayma Tameem

Creating worlds unlike anywhere you’ve been that are somehow strangely, innately familiar, Tayma Tameem is the author of more than a dozen distinctive, esteemed pieces of fiction. Enter the passionate, trailblazing world of Tayma Tameem’s genre-breaking, rule-extinguishing narration!

Known for crafting complex and intricate worlds as part of multi-adventure series, Tameem isn’t afraid to hold a mirror up to our world by highlighting the complexities, hypocrisies and dangers in her fantasy landscapes. Carrying on the torch of all the greatest fantasy novelists, Tameem dares to bring her readers to the darkest parts of the human heart.

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fantasy fans

Looking to “get lost” in strange worlds with messages that hit home can delight in Tameem’s enrapturing, unapologetic approach to doing fantasy her way.

Read Multi-Adventure Series

Mirrored Worlds

Series Mirrored Worlds

Mirrored Worlds is an urban fantasy series in which three operatives are tasked with locating a child whose very existence may be the key to saving a world on the brink of collapse. Follow the trio along during their perilous journey across a hostile land.

The Unborn

Series The Unborn

In the Unborn Series, the human race was on the brink of collapse — until The Forge Corporation found a way to create new, “super” babies. Forge employee Summer Hurst discovers that she is pregnant with twins. The problem is that that society has leveled a “one-child” policy as a means of controlling the population and allowing The Forge Corporation’s Designer Babies to take over. To save her babies, will Summer rebel against the company that she has been so loyal towards?


Series Void

When family man Ryan Gallaher lost his job, he thought telling his wife and two young children was the worst trouble he’d face. He was wrong. Ryan and Sally’s child vanishes from his crib on the night of his first birthday to throw reality as they knew it into a tailspin. The couple tries hard to hold on to any shreds of normalcy and sanity as the investigation progresses. Soon, Alan Banks shows up on the scene as a hardworking detective who has never left a case open. He operates on the belief that anyone can be a suspect. What dark secrets will he unveil?

The Stolen Heir

Series The Stolen Heir

In The Stolen Heir, a kidnapped heir to a rich and powerful kingdom arises from poverty to discover who he really is and to travel on the journey that he has been destined to take since birth. 

Honesty Is Key

Series Honesty Is Key

What happens when an actor lies about being a home-taught culinary expert to land a role in a show? Ask Atlas Franklin. Now, the actor has to fumble through a string of catastrophes that somehow only make him more beloved by the audience. However, the one ingredient he wasn’t counting on to be added to the mix was love. When Selina shows up, Atlas faces some hard choices about telling the truth or cooking up more lies.


Series Awakening

Katja awakens in a permafrost-covered forest, remembering nothing. Finding her way to town, she takes a job as a tavern servant. She soon learns that she is the sister of the Kingdom’s ruthless dictator, Lady Snow. Katja takes on many identities and appearances in an attempt to hide from her sister. Meanwhile, the reader gets a glimpse into the origins of the family dynamic through a dual-timeline narrative. We learn of the struggle to keep a future queen gifted with the Spirit of the Winter from descending into madness. However, Katja soon learns that unlocking memories from the past may be the key to saving the future.


Series Superbugs

Welcome to 2090. Compassion is instinct. If you’re not quick, you’ll be snatched up, never to be seen again. Lily Brayburn is aware of this as she manages a government-mandated residential building because she was left all alone in the world after her parents vanished without a trace. In this harsh world, cruel police rove the streets, outbreaks create endless rolling quarantines and babies are snatched from the arms of their mothers to be used in experiments. Resistance seems hopeless until a pregnant girl finds her way into Lily’s building in the middle of a violent uprising.

One Last Solve

Series One Last Solve

After years of dedication to the force, police chief Benjamin Fawcett is about to retire with a near-perfect record of solving homicides. However, a homicide — much different than all of the others that he has worked on — threatens the entire town. After another dead body turns up, it becomes clear that Chief Fawcett and his team are dealing with a serial killer and all leads are pointing nowhere. Chief Fawcett vows that he will not retire until he finds the person responsible and puts an end to the murders, but can he?

Memory Thieves

Series Memory Thieves

Offered a life-changing experience by a global conglomerate that could finally allow him to sleep again, Vince was ready to shake off the war memories that scarred his brain after being part of the country’s most elite force. He should have known better than to trust a commercial he saw on television. These “dream fixers” are part of a memory-stealing operation where memories are harvested and sold to the highest bidders. When the memories are sucked out, they’re gone forever. Able to escape once he figures out what’s going on, Vince sets out to exact revenge on the operation with the help of an inside source. It’s him versus the most influential company in the world.

Cat Boss

Series Cat Boss

Who would believe a crazy cat lady? The only thing to do when she tells you that cats control our minds is to laugh it off. For one detective, an eccentric holiday dinner conversation with a distant relative drags him down the rabbit hole to finally see the sinister truth about cats. It’s not long before the detective discovers that a cat makes the best sidekick. After a string of successful searches, he realizes that cats can help humans solve crimes. Will he ever be able to admit to the rest of the force where he’s getting these insider tips that allow him to crack cases like magic?

Seven Realms

Series Seven Realms

The Mages use their arm soldiers and dark magical powers to control and enslave the realm of Teralfa. Now, seven heroes have emerged to free 8 million people with only fate and magical crystals on their side. Can they confront unimaginable power and demons springing out of a relentless abyss to restore peace and light?


Series Valoria

Two kingdoms share a bloody secret that rulers believe can be mended by wedding bands. Princess Zeina has always known that her role in the Kingdom was to be married off to a prince of Intellectus as part of a deal between the kingdoms. However, her fate feels uncertain when the date of her impending wedding is suddenly changed. Wasn’t this wedding to be the hope for peace in the Kingdom? Princess Zeina recognizes the smell of war in the air immediately.

Seeker 5

Series Seeker 5

In a post-war world split into blocks ruled by the Republic and General Garber Hilstone, times are dark. After abolishing medicine and education, the rulers turned over any jobs that remained to robots. Skylar Caellum is tucked away in her home in F Block, preparing for trials designed to single out the best and strongest. If she makes it, she’ll move to A Block with her family. However, sweet victory comes with hard choices as Skylar discovers that simply surviving until the next morning may be the biggest battle of all. Can she play by the rules to betray everything she knows if it means getting her family out of hell?

Rulers of the Galaxy

Series Rulers of the Galaxy

It’s a competition for the galaxy as the Imperial High-Minister launches an attack against the current Elemental monarchy in an attempt to take over the galaxy. As war rages all around her, Salarin awakens in a toppled courtyard holding a bloody sword without a single memory. She flees the battle in an escape pod in the company of a group that brings along a small child. As she tries to piece together who she is, Salarin goes along on an expected journey that revolves around this unknown child.


Series Elementals

Coming Soon


It starts with a gift. It ends with conflict. As a sweet goodbye before flying thousands of miles away for a trip, Kayla's husband gives her a locket keepsake to remember him by. Determined to top the gesture, Kayla ups the ante even if she knows it means over-the-top "retaliation" like an office filled with flowers. Things turn sour as the couple participates in a love competition while thousands of miles apart.
Is spying ever justified to save a relationship? It's the question you'll be forced to ask yourself as you move through "Gimble Spy." Suspecting that her computer-programmer husband is having an affair after he grows cold, Hallie decides to spy on Davin. What she finds is nothing like what she suspected. A journey that tackles mental health, fidelity, relationship dynamics and the implications of technology in our lives ensues. Yes, there's even the finely timed laugh in this thrilling, thought-provoking novel.

Novelist Tayma Tameem

Known by fans for being “an author who writes the kind of stories she wants to read” to share with the world, Tayma Tameem weaves drama, fantasy and the spectacle of complex human emotions into her highly lauded fiction. When Tameem first began writing, she made two commitments. The first was to only write stories that she truly wanted to read. This meant skipping any of the tropes, predictable outcomes or Hollywood-worthy heroes that many other novelists try to bake into “approved” formulas. The second was to always make her works easily accessible for readers. That’s why Tameem’s series are available as part of a Series Pass. That way, readers can easily enjoy the entire series.

Through a commitment to staying true to herself while honoring the roots of the fantasy community of readers, Tameem has been able to build a loyal following that’s hungry to see where this young, rule-bending author will go next.

Since beginning her career, Tameem has published more than a dozen novels. While she has crafted a number of standalone books, Tameem is best known for curating saga-style series that bring readers through epic, sweeping chronicles that involve kingdoms, dynasties and passages of time.

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Tayma Tameem
Online Community

The Tayma Tameem Forum is a place for lovers of fiction and fantasy to come together to exchange theories, talk about shocking twists, make predictions about what happens next, post reviews and analyze plots! This is also a place to simply relax, chat and share your own creative inspirations!

Tameem’s forum is intended to be a respectful, encouraging place for open dialog among literary fans, aspiring writers and more. Register today to become a part of the official Tayma Tameem online community.

Blog Say Hello to Tameem: Discover What Tayma Tameem Is Working on Next

Have you always wanted to keep up with Tayma Tameem? Tameem’s blog is a great way to stay updated about new releases, collaboration projects, series updates and much more! Tameem is excited to bring her readers along on a journey that offers an inside “sneak peek” behind writing some of the most unconventional, intriguing works of fiction ever published! Make sure to check in to see what’s happening in Tameem’s world!